Sunday, April 19, 2009

Video Killed the Radio Star

Now that I have your attention with that annoying song, I can make my point. What is the most under-rated medium? Well, in my opinion, I think it is radio. Just think about it. What medium can you buy one receiver for and get ENDLESS amount of information from for FREE until that receiver dies? RADIO.

Now, many people, me included, think that radio is a dying technology. With things like television, mp3 players, and more advanced things like the iphone, why on earth would we need to listen to the radio? In my opinion, radio stations feed the masses with overplayed mainstream music filled with commercials. But, as I said earlier, IT'S FREE. With the push of a button, you get access to thousands of songs, news reports, and talk shows. On itunes, the average song you would listen to on the radio would cost $.99. Cable television where you can get news and talk shows, would cost you somewhere around $40 bucks a month.

Therefore, I stand by my choice of radio as the most under-rated medium there is. For the price of a receiver, you can get news, sports, talk shows, and all kinds of music. Also, in emergency situations, you can get special up-to-the-minute news bulletins. For example, this past Friday I was in Valley City moving people out of the dorms because of the flood and we heard that we were not supposed to use the water because of the sewer system. We flipped on the radio and, sure enough, they were talking about it right that minute. Plus, they don't have very important scheduled programs so that they can have news updates right when they happen.

So, are you short on your buck? Are you all out of money on your itunes card? Flip on the old-fashioned radio and jam for free!


  1. The greatest thing about radio is the price--free! I agree with you that it is underrated. Local radio offers us local news and information without having to pay for a service. Even if the radio plays the same songs over and over again, it's nice to listen to once in a while. And the price of iTunes songs have $1.29!! So, I think that gives another reason for the radio being so appealing. Plus, by the time I'm done listening to the radio, my song I wanted to download will have been so overplayed, I won't even want to hear it anymore. :)

  2. Free is good. Since TV became available to people, I think we've been more visual. Just listening to something isn't so appealing. Listening to the radio for things other than music helps to use your imagination more. I listened to a football game on the radio last year, and I had to concentrate more on what they were saying to understand what was happening. I enjoy watching the game more, but the radio isn't a bad thing.

  3. That is an annoying song! Radio is one of those mediums that I feel will never really go away, because, as you said, it is free. Without this form of media my long drives home would be quite boring, because I am one of those self admitted people who sing along with it at the top of my lungs while no one is in there with me. I agree with your statement on access to important news information, the local radio station in Valley City did an excellent job on covering the situation. For as annoying as all the commercials are I feel that this form of medium will continue well on well into the future. Great job Zack!

  4. Agreed, Radio is awsome, For those of us who dont have Serius and XM, I still enjoy it, especially in the big cities. There is an issue though, Almost all new vehicles are being standardized with Serius or XM from the factory. Do you think this is going to phase out radio? I do, not for awhile though, but eventually, it will be like regular tv to Dish...
