Wednesday, May 13, 2009
FINAL BLOG- A mostly opinionated rant on CSI
The first is the concept. It is a show about solving crimes from crime scenes in Miami where the CSI people get Hummers apparently. They solve some of the most difficult crimes. Now, I KNOW there is some psycho serial murderer watching this show taking notes on what the hardest crimes were to solve by the CSI crew. He will then use this information to terrorize some poor city. If that happens I say we put the producers in jail.
The second thing that bugs me about CSI: Miami is Horatio Cane. Need I say more? Summarization: dramatic close up, first part of dramatic witty statement, sunglasses put on, second part of dramatic witty statement, and then finally the "YEAAAAAH!!!" audio clip. His acting just bugs me. It reminds me of William Shatner sort of.
One other thing I thought of is how much sex they use in that show. It's always a dead hooker or something of the sort when they are solving the crime. All in all, it may not be a terrible show but I don't really like it and Horatio bugs me the most.
As this is my last blog of the semester, I would like to thank all the people that read my blogs. It has had its ups and downs. There were some weeks where I had to stop myself so I didn't write too much and there were some weeks where I couldn't think of anything. I tried my best to make your mandatory blog reading entertaining. Well, since I just watched the Star Trek clip, all I can think to say is thank you, of course, and Live long and prosper!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
The Future of Newspapers

Thursday, April 30, 2009
Red Red Blue Greeeen Red Red Blue Greeeen

Yes, the original Guitar Hero took the world by storm in 2005. It was first published by Red Octane and distributed by Activision. The original game included one guitar controller with a chord and the game. The controller has five colored fret buttons and a strum bar. The objective of the game is to complete popular rock songs from different decades by strumming the strum bar and matching up the notes on the fret buttons to the rythm of the song. Different difficulties are available so any experienced or lack of experience player can play. Also, you could rock out alone or with a friend in co-op mode where one person picks the lead guitar part while the other person picks rythm guitar or bass (depending on the song).
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Weblogs on the Space Machine

Sunday, April 19, 2009
Video Killed the Radio Star

Saturday, April 11, 2009
Welcome to YouTube....

YouTube star Bo Burnham sang it best- "Welcome to YouTube"
Well that pretty much sums it up, have a good week. Oh, wait, I have 279 words more to type. Yes, we have given the "OK" to stray away from our topics in Understanding Media and Social Changes so I will NOT be writing on sitcoms this week. I know, you are all crushed.
We all know about YouTube. It is a website that let's you put videos on it. You can put whatever you want on it (as long as there is no nudity and other rules). Personally, I think it is AWESOME. I can get lost watching random videos for hours! It has everything from music videos to political videos to whatever this is.
Now I will present some researched information that I found. The most viewed video ever on YouTube is The Evolution of Dance which, according to my last refresh, has 117,581,481 views. That is a LOT! Now on the other end of the spectrum there are very poorly viewed videos such as my Public Relations video which now has 15 views. Woohoo!
The most subscribed user on YouTube is Fred. He is a fifteen year old kid who plays the character Fred Figglehorn- a 6 year old kid who uses his mom's video camera to make videos and post them on YouTube. He has 1, 031, 781 subscribers (I am NOT a subscriber of Fred. I cannot stand him, just to make that clear.).
YouTube is a great resource for when you need a video to learn about something or just to have fun. It is taking the world by storm ranking as one of the top visited websites on the internet. It is a great way to get your voice heard and to see what other people are interested in. As I stated earlier I think it is AWESOME and it is one of my favorite websites. If you wanted to know, my favorite YouTube user is Bo Burnham (warning: questionable lyrics).
Well, that's all I got......... and boom goes the dynamite.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
The Big Bang not the one from science class

This show might be the smartest show on television, as you can tell from some of Sheldon's jokes. In some internet blogging I have seen it deemed as "Frasier goes to college." This is referring to how it uses intellectual humor kind of like the show Frasier, but, is also young and, dare i say, "hip" (yikes I am turning into my dad). Now, if you are worried about watching an "intellectual" show, don't be. It is not all art, literature, and wine like Frasier. When the guys aren't making physics jokes they are talking about comic books, science fiction, or video games.
The whole show revolves around these geniuses outside of the lab. Penny from across the hall is the normal factor in the show. She is just an average intelligence, gorgeous girl who befriends the guys and their jokes go WAY over her head.
I really enjoy this show. Some of my inner nerd comes out while watching it. I think it is a very creative new show (it started in 2007). Many sitcoms these days and in years past have just been about "normal" people. This sitcom takes a look into what could be a group of "nerds" that are friends. Some don't like the show because of the nerd stereotype, but I think it is all done in good fun while being hilarious.
Well, I hope you go watch The Big Bang Theory if you haven't seen it before. I am sorry for not having any links for you to go watch it. I was looking around CBS's website and I could not find any full episodes. I am sure it is somewhere on the internet.
I hope you enjoyed this blog and, to all you ladies, as Raj would say .......
(please tell me someone got that joke)
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Opening Doors for Movie Stars in Bel Air

Thursday, March 12, 2009
Going down to South Park gonna have ourselves a time..........

Saturday, March 7, 2009
Sitcoms and the Internet

Sunday, March 1, 2009
Whatchutalkinbout Zack?

What is a catchphrase? describes it as "a well-known phrase or slogan associated with a particular entertainer or other celebrity." In a sitcom this would be Gary Coleman in Different Strokes saying "Whatchutalkinbout" or everyone in the Cheers yelling "Norm!"
There were many great sitcom catchphrases in the last few decades but this fad seems to be dying out (with some exceptions). I remember the glory days of television sitcom catchphrases. Back in my day, one of my early favorite television sitcoms was Family Matters. Who can forget Steve Urkel's famous question "Did I do that?" after doing horrendous damage to the Winslow house or making some other wacky mistake? This was a pretty famous catchphrase for a guy who was only supposed to be a one-shot character.
Or, for you old folks out there, who can forget "sit on it" from Happy Days. From my research, this catchphrase seemed to be used by the whole gang on the show. However, I believe that it was first used by the Fonz. It was a nice way to say "screw you."
What is your favorite catchphrase? Being a The Office fanatic, I would have to say that my favorite MODERN catchphrase is "That's what she said." When I was younger watching reruns on TV Land, my favorite was "Whatchutalkinbout Willis?"
I love sitcom catchphrases and I miss the days where you could flip on the TV and hear one of these gems in a matter of minutes. I think that more sitcom catchphrases should make a comeback. In fact, I think every single person should come up with their own signature catchphrase. It could slowly make the world a better, more exciting place to live. I think my new catchphrase will be "Shamwow!"
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Happy Twentieth Season

Well believe it or not 20 years ago, the same year Ted Bundy was executed in an Electric Chair, was the first season of "The Simpsons." Yes, the longest American primetime entertainment series of all time debuted on December 17, 1989. Now in their 20th season, as of September 28th, "The Simpsons" has racked up numerous awards including 24 Emmy awards and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
I assume you have all seen and heard of "The Simpsons' but, if you haven't, go to this website.
So all of this brings up the question, "why has The Simpsons lasted so long?" Well, that's because it is animated. Let's think about some of the reasons sitcoms starring people don't last half as long as "The Simpsons." 1) The kids get too old and un-cute. This does not apply with “The Simpsons” whose kids have actually gotten better looking since the earliest episodes. 2) The stars aren’t quitting their sitcom to move on to the silver screen. However, America’s favorite yellow, four-fingered family did test out the move scene with The Simpsons Movie in 2007.
So there you have it folks, in theory, “The Simpsons should be able to live until the voices of the characters go mute and the writers completely run out of ideas. Until then, we should be able to look forward to a half-hour of Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, Maggie, and all the rest of the Springfield Community every Sunday night. Who knows how much longer this sitcom dynasty will last?
Sunday, February 15, 2009
"Here Comes the Big One"

Sunday, February 8, 2009
The Beginning of Sitcoms

Friday, January 30, 2009
A Very Brady Blog

Sunday, January 25, 2009
A Little Lesson In Love From Sitcoms
Now, watching sitcoms any odd afternoon, one can gather some tips in their love life. For example, if you watch "The King of Queens" or "Still Standing," you will learn that opposites attract. In both of these shows, very beautiful women are married to overweight, yet, comical slobs.
These men, also tend to screw up on a day-to-day basis. Once the woman communicates to the man he has messed up, the man always does the right thing to make his wife happy again. By the end of the episode, everything is right with the world.
As a man that doesn't get all the ladies, this would give you hope that there is a woman out for you too: A beautiful woman who doesn't seem to care that you haven't worked out since college, a gorgeous woman who will let you sit on the couch and watch football all day with your friends, and a stunning woman who will allow you to mess up every week and never threaten to divorce you. Oh, and did I mention she is very attractive?
As a very attractive woman, this should show you that maybe your idea of an ideal man with rugged good looks and boyish charm may not be the way to go. Maybe there is a guy out there who may not have all the looks but will do whatever it takes to make you happy. So ladies, consider picking up a fat dumb slob. Who knows, maybe they will make a sitcom based on you?
Sunday, January 18, 2009
The Office vs. The Office UK
What some people don't know, is that "The Office" is actually based off of a hit BBC series of the same name. The series ran for three seasons from 2001-2003. Ricky Gervais starred in the UK version of "The Office" and is now a writer and creator of the American version that has outlasted the original (it is now on its fifth season).
While looking through video comments on numerous videos from "The Office" on YouTube I came across many people arguing which is better: the American or UK version of "The Office?" From what I have found, both have their own pros and cons.
The UK version
- It is the original.
- The people are more realistic looking.
- Working class British accents are hard for Americans to understand.
- The people aren't as good looking. (Superficial? I know.)
The US version
- Very talented cast including Steve Carell
- Cast is warm and charismatic (And tan!)
- Not quite as realistic
Although they both have their pros and cons, I believe that it should not be a battle between which show is better, but rather we should appreciate how the American version has brought this beautiful masterpiece into our lives. I had not even heard of "The Office" before 2005 and now, sadly, I don't think I can live without it. Also, we should appreciate the UK version for the great plot and storyline. Either way, if you haven't seen either of the versions of "The Office" I urge you to go watch them (I recommend renting the seasons so you can watch them all the way through). Oh, and if you do not like "The Office," you just wasted a few minutes of your life reading this. Sorry.