Here's a story, of a lovely lady, who was bringing up three very lovely girls. All of them had hair of gold, like their mother, the youngest one in curls. Oh yes, it is that infectious tune that I, hopefully, have stuck in your head for the rest of the day.
The Brady Bunch was a favorite of mine growing up. However, over the years, one thing became clearer to me: They are too perfect. Hopefully some of you younger kids have seen The Brady Bunch on TV Land so you know what I am talking about.
First of all, after the theme song, there is the classic shot of the Brady house. Next, the camera would zoom into a setting such as the lawn where the kids are playing in the lush green grass. As Mike Brady is just getting back from his work as an architect, he drives up the long driveway in his 1971 Plymouth Barracuda Convertible (or one of the other four muscle cars he must have hid in that one-car garage along with the family station wagon over the five seasons) the kids, Carol, and Alice all go out to see him. Within the first minute, we can see that this is not your present-day sitcom.
These people were squeaky clean. After both Mike and Carol's first spouses passed away (suicide maybe?) they found each other. They got married and from then on the eight of them (nine with Alice, ten with cousin Oliver) were a big happy family until the show was cancelled. Not once was there ever the "You aren't my real mom" argument. However, there was a little sibling rivalry here and there. In 117 episodes "sex" was muttered only twice, only one of the boys got kissed on screen (Bobby), and they did not even have a toilet in the bathroom due to censors.
I love The Brady Bunch but I don't believe it would survive in this day and age. It just goes to show you that TV has resorted to more sex, violence, and obscenities over the years. A sitcom about a happy family with a lady with three lovely girls and a man busy with three boys of his own just wouldn't cut it anymore.